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Air Adam Podcast

Dec 30, 2012

Big Coats We Inna

" the reparations for the damage I'm doin'."

- B-Luv

The British winter hasn't properly kicked in, but we stay prepared. For some reason it was a tough task getting the selection ready this month, but there's a good scattering of different stuff and I can almost guarantee there'll be something on here you...

Nov 27, 2012

(22/52) Inside Game

"...the government lies..."


This was one of those months where I think I've really found some great blends with some very varied tunes - not an all Hip-Hop outing by any means, but stay with it :) Oh, and the episode title? Well, I may not have the biggest name, but those who know...know how I get down.

Oct 31, 2012

Agent Orange

"Look behind the camera..."

- Songvibe

Tough selection this month - decided I wanted to try and keep the same tempo through the whole episode only to find lots of tunes I quite fancied playing were 5 or 6 BPM slower! Still, the restriction made me dig a little harder and I think it's another good set. We start off in...

Sep 28, 2012


"Loyalty's worth more than wealth."

- Cormega

Is is true that life begins at forty? If so, then there are a lot of good records still to come! Thanks for staying with me, and I hope you all find time to spread the word to other music fans. It's my birthday this month (not my fortieth, mind!), so I thought I'd start the...

Aug 31, 2012

Olympic Records.

"Olympic torch flaming, we burn so sweet..."

- U-God

Been a big month - since the last show I've had an amazing trip to New York and also had the chance to see the Olympics in London! The idea for this month's cover art popped into my head while I was down there and I decided to put it together and see how it...